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Cancer & Disease


Keeping Cells, Tissues and Organs Slightly Alkaline Helps Prevent Cancer & Disease

Diseases are preventable! By drinking alkaline ionized water, you can help counteract the acids in the foods and drinks you consume. To see proof of this, visit our Research page. Having both pH buffers and antioxidants within your body, you naturally improve your chances for maintaining optimal health...and that means preventing disease. If you failed to prevent cancer, i.e., if you have it, I highly suggest you do the very same things on this page suggested for cancer prevention. Cancer is not a one-time thing. You may "cure" it now only to find later it has grown back somewhere else. Who is to say whether this is a new cancer or a spreading of the old one. A lot is not known. So, constant prevention, whether you've been diagnosed or not, is absolutely a good idea. 

The Importance of Water to Disease Prevention

Dehydration is a factor in many major health problems. Common health risks caused by dehydration are: low energy, migraines, type II diabetes, hypertension, weight gain, low back pain and colon problems. I'll bet the last thing 99% of the population thinks when they get a headache, back pain or heartburn is that they should go drink water. We are often trained to not like water, take it for granted or completely disregard it. Many of us think we're getting it when we drink soda or coffee. We aren't.

Ionized water is the best water to combat dehydration. One reason it is a superior water is the fact that it is micro-clustered (easier for cells and tissues to absorb). It is also alkalizing, and has powerful antioxidants, which all work together to provide superior hydration and health to your cells. Because alkaline ionized water can be used by the cells better than tap or bottled water, switching to alkaline ionized water is the most logical first step in preventing disease.

Ionized Water, Alkaline Reserves & Fighting Cancer

A healthy body has sufficient alkaline reserves to balance itself. Children have an abundance of alkaline reserves, but those reserves become depleted over time, in particular if your diet isn't rich enough in alkaline minerals. If you don't do something to reverse the body's tendency toward acidification, then a deadly disease, such as cancer, could set in. What happens with drinking ionized water is that you are sipping on it all day long. Water is one of the only substances that circulates around your body almost instantly as soon as you consume it. It absorbs right out of your stomach. It is similar to air in the speed that it travels around the body. When one's body is continually alkalized and pumped full of molecular hydrogen antioxidants, it is like having a 24/7 medical team going into each and every cell and giving the cells the emergency care they need to stay healthy (and escape whatever disease might be lurking).

Why Alkalize the Body? (and Why this is Urgent in Beating Cancer?)

Cancer treatment is not a subject that anyone is claiming to be the absolute master over. But most natural healing schools advise you to alkalize the area of the cancer, and many will say that this is a first step in beating it. Just looking at Dr. Warburg's research on how cancer loves acidity (hates alkalinity) it only makes sense that the first step in beating cancer is to alkalize the body. 

Once someone is diagnosed with cancer, it is obvious that SPEED is of the essence to alkalize the body. However, you should be aware that if you dive into trying to alkalize the body too fast you may cause yourself problems. There are safe and unsafe ways to alkalize one's body, so I'm sharing the safe ways with you.

How to Alkalize One's Body

Dr. Shinya, a famous Japanese surgeon, who invented the colonoscopy, gives all of his patients the following diet to alkalize their intestines, colon and rectum. His protocols help his patients to alkalize their whole bodies. Dr. Shinya gives his greatest attention to what the colon needs. The colon is a focal point for the overall health of the body. Dr. Shinya does regular follow-up colonoscopies with his patients and has documented many recoveries of his patients' unhealthy colons. Dr. Shinya's Diet is an excellent place to start healing oneself, no matter what is ailing you. Notice that drinking ionized water is at the top of the list of what Dr. Shinya uses to help his patients to recover. 


    1. It is always safe to eat lots of greens, raw foods, and alkaline drinks, including alkaline ionized water between meals. 
    2. Notice that Dr. Shinya recommends you eat fish rather than chicken or red meat. The kind of fish you choose is probably important. There is more health benefit to wild-caught salmon (or other wild-caught fish that has high levels of omega 3 fatty acids) than other fish. Omega 3 has the power to clean out your bad fats by replacing them. Fat is a huge subject, but worth the time studying. Plenty of the "right" fats in one's diet is part of Dr. Shinya's protocols for detoxifying the body.
    3. Don't worry about the "digestibility" of alkaline ionized water. It has no calories, so no need to digest it. It is also lightly alkaline, by a weak bond, which means a glass of ionized water can be neutralized with a simple drop or two of lemon juice. Alkaline ionized water is perfect for between-meals drinking, just by itself, without the lemon juice, and assisting the colon and remaining bodily fluids to be a slightly alkaline pH.
    4. In addition to the alkalizing benefits of ionized water, it also has huge antioxidant benefits. Molecular hydrogen, is free-hydrogen ...free to fight free-radicals. The hydrogen in most water has zero antioxidants, but alkaline ionized water, with free-hydrogen, has the amazing ability to heal even your DNA and protect it from free-radical damage. If you discover your body has a disease or illness drinking ionized water can help you fight it. It's a logical choice to prevent disease, and so much worse to get one. And after getting a disease, certainly, if you don't change what you did to get the disease, you could cure it with medical methods only to have it come back again.
    5. A simple way to monitor your body's pH is to check your saliva pH regularly. Click the link for a free pH kit.
    6. Dr. Shinya highly suggests to alkalize the body and drink alkaline ionized water all day long, every day. He is giving very practical advice. This is his advice for EVERYONE. In his profession he sees diseased colons all the time and helps these patients make the right changes in their diets to turn their diseases around. The best thing anyone can do to benefit from his decades of experience in curing people is to take his advice now, and not wait to get any particular disease.

Watch this short video to see a few examples of how powerful alkaline ionized water can be.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of people are drinking alkaline ionized water and are changing their overall health as well. It seems that alkaline ionized water has the ability to slow down aging, promote healthy weight loss, detoxify bodies, and boost immunity. The amount of energy and healthiness that I feel every day [without fail] is telling me something! Since I've been drinking ionized water, I am healthier now than I was in my mid-40's! What I did was to start drinking alkaline ionized water all day, every day, over 25 years ago. Just doing that, without even improving my diet and lifestyle, helped me to become free of allergies, infections and colds that I used to have (but no longer do). See Success Stories & My Own Testimonial 

Ionized Water and Antioxidants

When anyone is diagnosed with cancer or a major disease, it's obviously going to be stressful. Not only can you expect your body to react to the mental stresses (with more acidity) but also most medical treatment is physically stressful to the body. For instance radiation is physically stressful and damaging to the healthy cells, and alkaline ionized water is great to drink 24/7 during such treatment. The hydrogen antioxidants in ionized water are known to help combat the effects of such stress.

When your body is undergoing the stress of cancer or cancer treatment, you are at greater risk of other diseases, such as heart disease or any of the 170 other conditions and diseases that molecular hydrogen has been shown to help.


Why are hydrogen antioxidants so important? Researchers believe free radical damage plays a major role in heart disease, premature aging, radiation poisoning, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and many of the adverse effects of cancer treatment. Hydrogen antioxidants are able to bond with and neutralize free radicals more effectively and safely than any other antioxidant. As a matter of fact, experts in this subject claim there is no such thing as an overdose of molecular hydrogen. It is completely safe and is inert (does nothing whatsoever) unless there is a stress to the body, at which time it would step in to alleviate the toxic free-radical stresses on the body. (Note: Molecular hydrogen doesn't neutralize all free-radicals; it is selective and only neutralizes the toxic ones.)  Some recent studies have shown molecular hydrogen to even help to counter-act the onset of degenerative diseases. We can't claim that water ionizers cure anything, but medical research points to a great correlation between the molecular hydrogen and helping over 170 diseases so far

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sodium Bicarbonate (for Aggressive Alkalizing):

The average person does not need "aggressive alkalizing". The above suggestions aren't aggressive. The following suggestions are a little aggressive for those who need fast action/change NOW. While doing anything aggressive, like the following suggestions, it's probably a good idea to test your saliva pH (see link, above) on a regular basis. It is counter-productive to over-alkalize the body. If you have a doctor or nutritional expert who can advise you, I suggest you ask that person before doing more than what is listed here.

Apple cider vinegar can help to alkalize the body. Apple cider vinegar is acidic, but has an overall alkalizing effect on the body. I prefer the apple cider vinegar "with mother", because that is the type that is best for promoting a healthy gut.  You can eat right away after drinking this if you want, but you don't have to. Consuming a little apple cider vinegar daily isn't particularly aggressive, but if you take more than a couple of tablespoons worth, I would call it aggressive.

Sodium bicarbonate is another aggressive technique to alkalize an acidic body. Sodium bicarbonate is another name for baking soda. It's very alkalizing. Use caution though, because it could easily be over-alkalizing.

You can mix the above two ingredients (apple cider vinegar and sodium bicarbonate) together in a cup of alkaline ionized water to get a highly alkalizing drink. 

I would suggest to only use small amounts, such as a tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and 1/2 tsp. baking soda into an 8 oz. glass of alkaline ionized water three times per day. [Wait till it stops fizzing to drink it.] This is not something I would try without constant monitoring.

Things to Watch Out For:

  1. While you're alkalizing your body, watch for signs of over-alkalizing.
    • If you feel ill, dizzy, pressure on your chest, pressure on your neck, intense headache, or your blood pressure spikes, use more apple cider vinegar and/or lay off the bicarbonate for a while (at least a few hours).
    • If swelling occurs, do the same, but also it helps to take a little magnesium*, which will pull the fluids out of your cells and into your gut.
  2. Don't introduce too many new things at once. If you do have an adverse reaction, you want to be able to identify what you did that was different. This way it reduce confusion and puts better control in your hands of your orderly progress toward natural healing.
  3. Don't try to get a saliva test result higher than 7.5 pH. Just patiently keep your body pH at 7.5 for weeks and months (until you can get confirmation from your doctor that the cancer is in remission).

More References Related to the Cause of Cancer

Cancer has been postulated to be caused primarily by damage to the mitochondria within our cells. Mitochontrial damage is further theorized to be caused by acidification within the cells. Here are some related references.