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Comparing Types of Hydrogen Water Machines

Comparing Types of Hydrogen Water Machines

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Comparing Types of Hydrogen Water Machines

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is among the healthiest water you can drink. It gets its antioxidant benefits from the extra H2 gas (hydrogen) dissolved. Hydrogen water tastes just like regular water but is much healthier because of the antioxidant benefits of the added hydrogen.

Regular water lacks antioxidant benefits and does nothing to fight free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to our cells and contribute to the development of diseases. But hydrogen water, with its antioxidant benefits, fights free radicals better than any other antioxidant. It transforms regular water into healing water!

Hundreds of research studies show that drinking a few glasses of hydrogen water daily can reverse or eradicate a wide range of diseases caused by free radical damage.

Scientists have known the antioxidants in hydrogen water as "molecular hydrogen." Hydrogen water is made by pumping molecular hydrogen into regular water.

Buying ready-made hydrogen water is useless because the beneficial hydrogen antioxidants are so small that they evaporate out of the water fairly quickly (within a few hours or a day). So, the way to get the benefits of hydrogen water is to make it yourself (preferably fresh) throughout the day.

Types of Hydrogen-Producing Machines

The three types of hydrogen generators vary a lot. So, I'm describing each as a category.

  • Water Ionizers: Water ionizers do more than produce hydrogen in drinking water. They also microcluster the water and raise the pH. A good-quality water ionizer filters the water exceptionally well and lasts a decade or two. Water ionizers split the water into two streams, and the alkaline stream is what you drink. There are many benefits of ionized water beyond what I can describe here. A good water ionizer can give you all the hydrogen antioxidant benefits you need. But it will also help you balance your body pH (another subject). For instance, drink more alkaline water to move your body from acidic to more alkaline or neutral. The hydrogen antioxidants are only concentrated in the alkaline water, so if my body ever gets too alkaline but still needs hydrogen antioxidants, I will add a tiny amount of apple cider vinegar to a glass of ionized water from time to time. I have all three types of hydrogen machines, so I can switch to a hydrogen water machine for part of my daily water, and I suggest this to anyone who can afford it. As with anything, watch the quality of the water ionizer you buy. See my water ionizer comparison page.
  • Hydrogen Water Machine (or Hydrogen Gas Machine): A hydrogen water machine is usually less expensive than a water ionizer, but not always. It lasts a year or two on average (Note: a water ionizer has a longer life). And it doesn't come with the best filtration either. If you only have access to a hydrogen machine, invest in a separate water filter system to filter the water you put into your machine. And if you're concerned with balancing your body pH, more than hydrogen water alone will be needed to help you with this. For example, you'll need to learn to eat a more pH-balanced diet.
  • Naturally Ionizing Alkaline Filters & Pitchers: Filter systems, such as the Elita or the Alkaline Plus Pitcher, can produce small amounts of free hydrogen. Even though it's small, it usually has enough hydrogen for most healthy people. You don't need massive amounts of hydrogen to have benefits.

How Can You Make Your Own Hydrogen Water?

Creating your own hydrogen water is simpler than you might think. All you need is a hydrogen water machine or water ionizer. These devices are the key to unlocking the health benefits of hydrogen, and with them, you're in control of your health journey. 

Hydrogen evaporates readily, so buying hydrogen water in a pre-packaged product in the store is impossible. But once you make hydrogen water with a machine, you can store it in vacuum bottles to preserve the antioxidant levels for up to a day or two.

How to Get the Best Hydrogen Levels

Free hydrogen is measured in ppm (parts per million). You're doing great if you get between .3 ppm and 1 ppm. [Note: .5 ppm is most commonly used in medical trials.] I am personally happy getting anything over 1 ppm (part per million) of free hydrogen in my ionized water. 

The preferred instrument for measuring hydrogen in water is the  Trustlex meter. This device is highly accurate and has all the necessary calculations built in, making it easy to use. 

While purchased drops can also measure hydrogen levels, they are less precise than the Trustlex meter.

Which is Better? Breathing Hydrogen Gas or Drinking Hydrogen Water

Studies show that drinking hydrogen water can have health benefits that last days longer than breathing the gas directly. Still, both methods of consuming hydrogen antioxidants are valid and scientifically proven to benefit health. You can also use a hydrogen gas machine to make hydrogen water. Just put the hose into a water container for several minutes, and you're done. (Note: This would give no filtration, so use filtered water.) I did an experiment in which I drank hydrogen-enriched water, which I produced this way for about two weeks. The overall effect was good. I felt perfectly healthy as if I was drinking ionized water all that time. The only drawback is that it is more time-consuming and complicated. 

All types of machines described above are great ways to get the benefits of hydrogen into the body. It's up to you which machine would best suit your needs. I don't like hydrogen inhalation myself due to the fact of having to be tied down to a machine for too long.

Drinking Hydrogen Enriched Water

When you drink hydrogen water, your body immediately (or very quickly) benefits. The water enters your stomach and is rapidly absorbed because it has zero calories. Some water is absorbed directly from your mouth and stomach, but most is absorbed into your body from your intestines, which happens extremely quickly. Just minutes after drinking ionized water, you can feel a surge of mental clarity (similar to a caffeine boost) and an overall feeling of improved wellness, indicating that it has likely reached most organs in that short time.

Test Results: Examples of Hydrogen Machines

Here are some typical results I have gotten from various machines. [Note: None of these meters or tests work well in inexpert hands because accurate results require much knowledge and practice.]

Smart Water Ionizer - 

Smart 9P Water Ionizer Continuous-Flow Water Ionizer

(1.5 liters/min. @ Level 3) This is one of my best water ionizers for making hydrogen water.

Benefits: Multiple uses. Four levels of alkaline pH and four levels of acidic pH. Plus, an option to skip ionization and only filter the water. The filter removes chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

Hydrogen Levels
  • With Test Drops: 1.5 ppm
  • With Trustlex Meter: 1.5 ppm
  • ORP: -800

Buder HS72 - 

Buder HS72 Hydrogen Machine Hydrogen Water Machine

(Makes hydrogen water in batches of 1.8 liters. Average processing time: 20 minutes.

How it differs from a water ionizer:

  • Doesn't split the water or alter the pH
  • Doesn't filter the water.
  • Just pump the hydrogen into the water.
Hydrogen Levels
  • With Test Drops: 1.3 ppm
  • With Trustlex Meter: 1.3 ppm
  • ORP: -800

High-Rich Machine Portable Hydrogen Machine

(8 oz -- processed for 5 Minutes)

  • Doesn't raise the pH
  • Filters out chlorine and nitrogen

High-Rich Machine (HR4)- 

Hydrogen Levels
  • With Test Drops: 1.2 ppm
  • With Trustlex Meter: 1.35 ppm
  • ORP: -700

Hydrogen Gas Machine - 

Hydrogen Gas Machine (pumps h2 into tap water)

A hydrogen gas generator pumps pure hydrogen gas molecules into water (or any liquid). These molecules dissolve in the water in just a few minutes.

  • Doesn't raise the pH
  • It doesn't filter; it just pumps the pure hydrogen gas into water, so use water that's already filtered.
Hydrogen Levels
  • With Test Drops: 1.0 ppm
  • With Trustlex Meter: 1.35 ppm
  • ORP: -800

Elita Naturally Ionizing Filter

(Up to 2 quarts at a time at 1.5 liters per minute flow-rate)

  • Raises pH one level.
  • Filters out fluoride, heavy metals, biological contaminants, and other common contaminants

Elita - 

Hydrogen Levels
  • With Test Drops: 0.3 ppm
  • With Trustlex Meter: 1 ppm
  • ORP: -550

Comparing Types of Hydrogen Machines: Video Demos

Here are some demo videos showing you the comparisons of different types of hydrogen machines: hydrogen gas machine, hydrogen water machines, water ionizer, etc.

Results (listed from high to low saturation of free-hydrogen antioxidants): Nexus Smart water ionizer (1.5 ppm), the SPE-270 hydrogen gas machines (1.5 ppm), the Buder hydrogen water machines (1.2 ppm), the High-Rich Machine (1.2 ppm), H2 Tablets (.7 ppm), the Alkaline Ionizer Purifier Energizer (.3 ppm) and the Alkaline Plus PH Ionizing Pitcher (about .1 ppm).  

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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