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Get Dangerous Forever Chemicals (PFAS) Out of Your Family's Water!

Get Dangerous Forever Chemicals (PFAS) Out of Your Family's Water!

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

The Ultra Solution to PFAS in the Water

What Are Forever Chemicals (PFAS)? 

Forever Chemicals, or PFAS, are dangerous chemicals in our water. PFAS stands for "poly-fluoroalkyl substances." Entire chains of carbon-fluorine molecules become so tightly bonded that they never seem to break down. The bond is labeled "the strongest in organic chemistry" because fluorine forms the most potent single bond to carbon. The bond strength is why water experts have nicknamed poly-fluoroalkyl substances "Forever Chemicals."

Forever chemicals are dangerous because they suppress the immune system and precipitate diseases. CDC states animal and human testing shows evidence that PFOA and PFOS suppressed animal antibody responses. [ Animal & Human Testing - CDC]

Solving the PFAS Problem

It used to be thought that PFAS could not be removed from the environment or body. But some solutions have recently been discovered. This article discusses recent research into forever chemicals and solutions for removing PFAS from the home environment and body.

The Breakthrough: nano-Platinum Can Break the PFAS Fluorine-Carbon Bond!

Platinum, a solid metal, is capable of splitting hydrogen gas into individual hydrogen atoms—a key step towards breaking the carbon-fluorine bond.

Platinum also catalyzes electrolysis (water ionization), which is why the electrodes in all good water ionizers are coated with platinum. It has been known for a long time that water ionizers help the immune system. Could it partially be due to the 'nano-platinum' in ionized water, which plays a crucial role in breaking down PFAS?


I draw your attention to the two relevant studies cited on the Research page, which provide detailed insights into the effects of PFAS and the efficacy of various solutions. [Hydrogen & Ionized Water Research]

  1. In vitro studies show that alkaline ionized water has an additional antioxidative factor: platinum nanoparticles make it superior to other hydrogen applications for scavenging radicals.
  2. Animal studies show hydrogen and Nano platinum in ionized water improve glucose signaling pathways.

When nano amounts of platinum circulate the bloodstream, do they break down any PFAS with which it comes in contact? I think so.

PFAS Everywhere

Where Do PFAS Come From?

Communities Living With PFAS Contamination | Hydroviv. https://www.hydroviv.com/blogs/water-smarts/8-com...

How Do We Prevent Exposure to PFAS? 

Preventing exposure is one of the best ways to "fight" PFAS. Therefore, it makes sense to learn more about how one can be exposed. PFOA and PFOS are widely used to make carpets, water-resistant and stain-resistant fabrics, non-stick cookware, paper plates, food wrappers and containers, and other materials resistant to water, heat, grease, and stains. They are also found in some foods and are commonly used for firefighting and in several industrial processes. The University of Washington School of Public Health reports, "The most common way children may be exposed to PFAS is by eating or drinking contaminated liquids (drinking water) or foods."

How The PFAS Cycle Has Grown to Be Such a Problem

Forever chemicals have been used in industrial applications for about 60 years. Over that time, the industrial wastes and degraded products in landfills have gotten deep into the groundwater. Instead of dissipating, as most chemicals do, PFAS chemicals collect, and their concentrations have grown over time. PFAS gets into the rivers and groundwater in various ways, and this infected water keeps recycling round and round (ever-growing in its PFAS concentration).

Can PFAS Be Filtered Out of the Drinking Water? 

Municipalities have yet to find inexpensive enough ways to remove PFAS from the municipal water supply, but single-use home water filter systems often work to remove it at home. 

UltraWater Filters: 

UltraWater Filtration is a Reliable Defense Against PFAS! The water quality engineers at AlkaViva studied and applied NASA space technology to water filtration. The original purpose of this technology was to be able to recycle urine and sweat to make healthy water, 

The AlkaViva experts took all the best water filter media and put them into a solid block filter. A solid block forces water to disperse through the filter evenly, avoiding channeling. The result is the most advanced levels of water filtration known to man. AlkaViva also rigorously tests the filters.

UltraWater Filter Technology

Here’s a chart showing the most dangerous forever chemicals and how UltraWater filtration removes them. 

Polyfluoroalkyl Substances – PFOAS (Forever Chemicals)

Contaminant-Levels Before & After UltraWater Filtration

(Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Reported in Micrograms/Liter)

Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS)    0.33       0.002
Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS)    0.17       None Detected
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA)    0.32       0.003
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA)    0.25       None Detected
Perfluororooctane sulfonate (PFOS)    0.38       None Detected
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)    0.21       None Detected

Board of Health roundup: Health Department clarifies communication about YMCA potable water quality - Hopkinton Independent. https://hopkintonindependent.com/board-of-health-roundup-health-department-clarifies-communication-about-ymca-potable-water-quality/

The Ultra Solution to PFAS Dangers

Of course, the "ultra solution" to PFAS in your water and body would be AlkaViva H2 Water Ionizers, which use both UltraWater filters and have the highest grade of platinum-coated electrodes. [AlkaViva H2 Water Ionizers]

Working through UltraWater filters and then platinum-coated electrodes at a pace of 1.5 liters/minute, the emerging water is incredibly chemical-free and healthy. [Testimonials - Drinking Ionized Water]

What Happens if You Just Ignore PFAS? 

CDC states animal and human testing shows evidence that PFOA and PFOS suppressed animal antibody responses. We should protect and help people with suppressed immune systems, especially children, from PFAS exposure. Because children are still developing, they may be more sensitive to the harmful effects of chemicals such as PFAS. Body size, activity level, and the percentage of water in the body affect the rate of exposure to PFAS. PFAS is already accumulating in your child's body, raising state & federal concerns. LGUSD, don't risk further contaminating our kids and our water for a non-essential convenience. http://www.questionfakegrass.org/2021/11/pfas-is-already-accumulating-in-your.html

Reduce the exposure to PFAS

This list shows the best practices for reducing the dangers of PFAS for yourself and your loved ones.

  • Drink ionized water (discussed above) 
  • Use UltraWater filtration (discussed above) 
  • Eat foods that are less likely to have PFAS 
  • Don't use Teflon or similar non-stick coated cookware 
  • Avoid fast-food and other foods where the wrappers and packaging have PFAS 
  • Furnish your house with healthy furniture & carpeting that is PFAS-free 
  • Use HEPA air filters 
  • Wear PFAS-free clothing 

Dust in buildings with healthy furniture and carpeting is reported to be PFAS-free.

Dust in buildings with healthy furniture and carpeting is reported by ACS to be PFAS-free. [ American Chemical Society]

Do You Have to Worry About Bathing or Showering?

PFAS in water does not absorb well through the skin, so it is considered safe to bathe and shower in. But discourage children from drinking it.

PFAS Video

See an audio-visual version of this blog post.

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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