Water Ionizers and reviews from Alkaline Water Plus Skip to main content

New Athena Water Ionizer Power Boosting Option

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

The Jupiter Athena water ionizer has been recently improved!  There is a new feature added only a few months ago to the Athena water ionizer that I’ll call the “Power Boosting Option”.

The Athena water ionizer power-boosting option is kind of hidden away, like a little secret doorway.

This is an interesting feature.  It acts similarly to the alkaline levels. Only it allows you to fine-tune them all with a simple push of a power-boosting button. This is very convenient, because many water ionizers which are ”programmable” are hard to program [you have to go in and program every level] and require lots of trial and error in getting each level set up properly.

Normally, the Athena water ionizer adjusts from “alkaline level one” to “alkaline level four”.  This, along with varying your water-flow-rate, allows you to adjust your machine to get the proper pH that you desire. The new power boosting option multiplies your ability to do this ionized water fine-tuning.

I am going to show you, in this video, how the new Athena Water Ionizer Power Boosting option works.  I was curious myself how much it would change the pH and ORP on the same alkaline level.

There are 6 levels on this new power boosting function, so to eliminate all variables, I adjusted the flow rate on my external flow control in order to keep the same flow rate with all samples of alkaline water.  I then turned the flow control knob on the Athena all the way up each time I poured ionized water.  I also kept it at level 3 on the alkaline setting the entire time.


Power Boosting Level pH ORP
1 10.7 -805
2 11.0 -805
3 11.0 -809
4 11.2 -814
5 11.2 -818
6 11.2 -812


Here in St. Louis, and at “alkaline level 3″ the new power boosting option does not change the pH and ORP dramatically , but there is a definite difference between power-booster-level 1 and power-booster-level 6.  My water is considered medium-hard, and comes into my tap at a pretty high pH level. Therefore, for me, it is not necessary or even desirable to boost this power setting. But, I’d imagine if you had soft water or were using remineralized reverse osmosis water as your source water, boosting the power setting would make a good difference for you. Another thing to consider is if your alkaline ionized water was coming in too strong for you, you could switch the power-booster-setting down to “2″ or “1″ without reducing your ORP by very much. It’s a nice feature.

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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