Water Ionizers and reviews from Alkaline Water Plus Skip to main content


Comparison of Athena Plates vs Enagic

Comparison of Athena Plates vs Enagic

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Comparison of Jupiter Athena & Enagic SD501: Plates, Power and Performance  The Athena plates are so innovative that this one, single feature allows for the better performance of the Athena … read more
AirWaterLife vs Nexus X-Blue Water Ionizers

AirWaterLife vs Nexus X-Blue Water Ionizers

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

In this video I’m comparing two of the US market’s lower-priced water ionizers: The AirWaterLife Aqua Ionizer Deluxe [which is a Real Spirit ionizer] and the Nexus X-Blue water ionizer.AirW … read more
Ionized Water and Longevity

Ionized Water and Longevity

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

After drinking alkaline ionized water for about 20 years I actually feel healthier today than I did when I was in my 40’s! Ionized water and longevity with good health are related in my opinion.Y … read more

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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