I used to be a lot like Dr. Mercola. [who is a world-famous nutritional-healing advocate and who also owns a huge online vitamin & natural-remedy store].Dr. Mercola is an avid natural-healing advo
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I had a phone call the other day asking about a filter that gets potassium out of water. I wanted to explain in detail here why you should filter this out if you have a water ionizer, and the be
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I had a concerned customer ask me why there were so many air bubbles in their alkaline ionized water. Here’s the answer.Tiny pockets of air bubbles are created during the process of ionization. T
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At the request of a customer I made and tested some lemonade today with ionized water from my Athena water ionizer.
Lemons are known to be one of those fruits that are acidic, when tested&nbs
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Cathleen Lograsso
My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.
The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.
I have been posting one blog post per month since August of 2008. Don't forget to join our newsletter. Click the following link to access all of our posts on one page.