Water Ionizers and reviews from Alkaline Water Plus Skip to main content


2 Ways Ionized Water Combats Heart Disease

2 Ways Ionized Water Combats Heart Disease

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

1. Benefit for Heart Disease: The Alkalinity in Ionized Water Dissolves CholesterolAlkaline ionized water is the most versatile form of hydrogen-rich water because its alkalinity helps the cardiova … read more
Dementia, Dehydration and Ionized Water Benefits

Dementia, Dehydration and Ionized Water Benefits

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Older Adults are in Danger of Dehydration! Dehydration is more serious than you may think. My sister recently spent two months in the hospital, because of a serious fungal infection. After six we … read more
​The Pineal Gland & Alkaline Ionized Water

​The Pineal Gland & Alkaline Ionized Water

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

The Pineal Gland & Alkaline Ionized Water When I drink alkaline ionized water, I often notice that I feel a distinct mental clarity and feeling of calm-satisfaction. No regular water has e … read more
Managing the “Acid Load” for Healthy Organs

Managing the “Acid Load” for Healthy Organs

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Acid load is a term which refers to the balance of acids and bases in our diets (also known as pH-balance within the body). Food and drink influence the body’s “ acid load”. Most of us have … read more
Staying safe from the Coronavirus

Staying safe from the Coronavirus

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Staying safe from the Coronavirus We hear all the time that wearing face masks, washing hands, social-distancing and sanitizing the environment can protect us against invasion by virus. I thi … read more
Health Benefits of Drinking Ionized Water

Health Benefits of Drinking Ionized Water

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Summary of 9 top health benefits of drinking ionized water (with links to more research) Ionized water is loaded with medically beneficial hydrogen. Research on the health benefits of ion … read more
Putting Therapeutic Water in a Hot-Tub (Spa)

Putting Therapeutic Water in a Hot-Tub (Spa)

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

My husband and I decided to create our own natural hot-springs experience right in our back yard. We have all the tools we need to make any kind of water we want, so we used them to create the p … read more
Colorectal Cancer and Ionized Water

Colorectal Cancer and Ionized Water

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Colorectal cancer is so life-threatening that statistics show almost 5% of both men and women are at risk of getting it, and once diagnosed the odds of living past 5 years (even with all the lat … read more
The Power of H2 Antioxidants Over Diabetes

The Power of H2 Antioxidants Over Diabetes

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

H2 antioxidants help reverse diseases, where no other antioxidant can. Why? The research on H2 hydrogen gas (called free-hydrogen or "molecular hydrogen" by scientists) shows it is a powerfu … read more
Easy Aging With Ionized Water

Easy Aging With Ionized Water

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Why should aging be difficult and diseased when it can be so much easier with ionized water? The trick to easy aging is in your health, and what I mean by that is living a healthy lifestyle th … read more
Free-Hydrogen and Cellular Aging (Senescence)

Free-Hydrogen and Cellular Aging (Senescence)

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Cellular Aging Senescence (səˈnəsəns) is a scientific term that basically means “aging”; it refers to a process of cells losing their ability to divide and renew. A lot of research is happeni … read more
Alkaline Water and Bone Loss

Alkaline Water and Bone Loss

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Bone loss strikes millions of Americans annually. It is blamed for causing as many deaths every year as heart disease! Worse yet, a simple online search for the dangers of biphosphonates reveals … read more
How Alkaline Water Can Help Acid Re-flux Disease

How Alkaline Water Can Help Acid Re-flux Disease

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Alkaline Water:  How It Can Help Acid Re-flux DiseaseAcid Re-flux is preventable. If you get a little education on the way a body works, you begin to realize that many of today’s chronic illnesse … read more
Ionized Water Inhibits Cancer Growth

Ionized Water Inhibits Cancer Growth

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Ionized Water was Used in Cancer Experiments With Mice I just finished doing an English narration for an awesome Japanese experiment video, and I’ll share that with you today. It’s only about … read more

Why Gout Sufferers Should Get a Water Ionizer

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

The occurrence and re-occurrence of Gout is pure agony, and the reason it happens is the person’s pH balance is off. Long ago, in the early 90’s my pH balance was way off. I was a Gout sufferer, … read more

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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